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A youth of any age can be transferred to adult court when that youth is charged with a violation of state law punishable by death or life imprisonment.

With the direct file laws, prosecutors have the discretion to transfer youth as young as 14 to adult court for certain serious crimes.

(Florida Fact Sheet

Florida is one of 15 states that allows prosecutors-not a judge-to decide whether a

child should be tried as an adult for a wide variety of crimes. (

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Q: What age can a juvenile be tried as an adult in Florida?
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In the state of Georgia a juvenile who is 13 years of age can be tried as an adult if he or she?

Commits a serious criminal act..

How long would a juvenile be sentenced for kidnapping?

According to a class I've taken it depends on the case and age of the "Juvenile" but more than likely the juvenile would be held until the age of 18, unless he is tried as an adult is looking at 1-15 years

What states still allow juvenile death penalties?

No state has ever allowed juvenile death penalties. However, someone tried as an adult, regardless of age, can be sentenced to death.

What is a sentence using the word juvenile?

NOUN A juvenile is a minor, someone who is under the legal age. Although he was a juvenile, he was tried as an adult. ADJECTIVE (immature) Her friends would not tolerate her boyfriend's juvenile behavior. A juvenile male raccoon will often hunt with other juvenile males.

At what age can a teenager be tried as an adult?

This is generally understood to be 18 years of age, but the courts CAN and do, have the authority, in the case of certain heinous offenses committed by juveniles, to try them and sentence them as adults.

Can a minor sever 5 years in jail?

Until he is an adult he would be in juvenile hall but yes he can. Right now a 15yo is in juvenile hall after being tried as an adult at the age of 12. He was sentenced to 25 years I think it was for helping his friend killing his dad.

In Russia at what age can a young person be tried as an adult?

at what age can a young person be tried as an adult in russia?

What would cause a juvenile record not to be sealed at age 18?

Too many charges, Bad charges or getting a charge at 17. If you get tried as an adult that will do it too.

What is the age the juvenile becomes an adult?

The age at which a juvenile becomes an adult is typically 18 years old in many countries. At this age, individuals are legally considered adults and are granted more rights and responsibilities.

How long does felonies stay on a juvenile record?

The felonies will always remain on your record... however when you are 18 years of age your juvenile record will no longer be available to the public -UNLESS- the felony you committed as a juvenile caused you to be tried as an 'adult.' In that case, the felony offense WOULD show on your adult record.

What is the ages of a juvenile?

In most states, the maximum age to go into juvenile court is 18. In some states, the age is 16 or 17. Wyoming has the highest max age at 19. However, just because someone may be under these age limits, they may still be tried as an adult if the courts decide so.

What type of court a juvenile is tried in?

In most jurisdiction juveniles are tried in a separate "juvenile court" unless they commit a serious crime that has the court elevate their offender status to that of an 'adult.' Then the juvenile is tried in adult court.