i pick prouduct design
Pict pd is a mnemonic to help students studying Design and technology at GCSE level (and probably above) to remember to functions of packaging. The functions are: Protect Inform Contain Transport Preserve Display The way I was told to remember this was "I picked (PICT) Product Design (PD)".
The root word "pict" means "painting" or "drawing" and is derived from Latin. It is commonly seen in words like "picture" and "depict" which refer to visual representations or illustrations.
In computer terminology, a pict and pic both are short for picture. However, pic is a more widely accepted abbreviation. If outside of computer terminology, a Pict is an older tribe in England and a pic is text slang for picture.
Robbie the Pict was born in 1948.
Blue Dog Pict ended in 1996.
PL usually stands for "Personal Liability" and PD for "Property Damage"
pressure difference
No pd means closer than a friend so lets say this boy likes you and he said will you be my pd he acaully means boy friend.