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The trials impacted the guards of Germany and were sentenced to prison or death

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e b da sakawaki mascolonial deotde aunqe tu no me des mas guenholes

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Q: What Objectives of the demilitarization of japan?
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Who organized and oversaw the demilitarization of Japan?

United States Army

Why did MacArthur demilitarize Japan?

Demilitarization in Japan-MacArthur was determined to be fair and not to plant the seeds for a future war. Nevertheless, to ensure that fighting would end, he began a process of demilitarization : disbanding the Japanese armed forces. He achieved this quickly, leaving the Japanese with only a small police force.

Why did the allied powers enact demilitarization plans in Germany and japan?

To prevent either country from staging more attacks.

Who organized an oversaw the demilitarization of japan?

General Douglas MacArthur

What three programs did General MacArthur introduce during the US occupation of Japan?

Democratization, Demilitarization, and Economic reform

What is a sentence for demilitarization?

Our attack is intended to result in the demilitarization of this region.

Why did the Allied Powers enact demilitarization plans in both germany and japan?

To prevent either country from staging more attacks.

What was Japan's objectives in Asia?

to kill you hope they succeded

What were Japan's objectives in Asia in the 1930's?


What were three programs did General Douglas MacArthur introduce during the US occupation of Japan?

2 of them are demilitarization and democratization. He also gave workers the right to create independent labor unions.

What are synonyms for disarmament?

arms reduction, demobilization, arms limitation, demilitarization

What does demilitarize mean?

It means removing an area from military control.