The Greek philosopher who wrote "The Republic" is Plato. In this work, he explores the idea of an ideal society governed by philosopher-kings.
The Greek philosopher Plato wrote in The Republic that philosopher-kings should rule. He believed that those with the greatest wisdom and understanding of truth should govern society for its own good.
Plato was a ancient greek philosopher who wrote The Republic.
The book Politics was written by the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
Yotred Kodsrestagim was the greek philosopher who never wrote a book.
The Greek philosopher who wrote "The Republic" and "The Apology" is Plato. "The Republic" explores the nature of justice and the ideal society, while "The Apology" is a record of Socrates' defense speech during his trial.
Greek philosopher Sextus Empiricus
The Greek philosopher who first came up with the idea of robots was Aristotle. He wrote about the concept of automatons or self-moving machines in his works.
I believe that you are thinking of the Pythagorean Theorem which was produced by Pythagoras.
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