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The ox of sailsbury.

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Q: What Greek animal represents life and freedom?
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What The Statue of Liberty represents to American citizens?

Because to them, the statue was a sign of freedom, of new life, and of a brand new start on life. :)

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It Represents, Life, Nature,Freedom,Speed, and everything you want to accomplish in life

Which animal represents the emblem of World Wild Life Fund?

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The day animal (aka the true animal) in the Four Pillars of Destiny represents a person's inner character and basic personality traits. It also represents the adult life and the married life.

What does it mean if you dream about an animal that keeps following you?

The animal in your dream represents something in your real life that has the qualities and characteristics of this animal. For example, if the dream is a frightening nightmare in which you are trying to escape this animal, then it represents a problem that you are trying to escape or avoid instead of resolving. On the other hand, if the dream is calm and the animal is cute and friendly, that represents something or someone cute and friendly that accompanies your (or whom you would LIKE to accompany you) in real life.

What is the Hindu word for freedom?

The Hindu word for freedom is "Mukti" or "Moksha," which represents liberation from the cycle of birth and death in the reincarnation process. It is seen as the ultimate goal of human life in Hindu philosophy.

What is the golden land in 1984?

The Golden Country in George Orwell's novel "1984" symbolizes a sense of freedom and beauty that is forbidden under the oppressive regime of the Party. It represents a glimpse into a world untouched by the Party's control and serves as a reminder to Winston of the life that existed before Big Brother took power.

What was the purpose of Greeks comedies?

Many of the Greek comedies were based on Athenian daily life. Many in the audience could relate to these scenarios, and learn to laugh at life's little problems. The comedies offered a release and freedom from daily struggles.

There were 3 symbols in Tuck Everlasting the wheel the sun and the toad What did each of them represent?

the wheel represents life and death, the sun idk , the toad freedom

What liberties do the Statue of Liberty represent?

the statue of liberty represents freedom and opportunity. why u ask because immigrants from Europe came to the United States Of America to start a new life and she also represents freedom because this is a Free country 2 do what ever we want to. but we cant kill or steel.

In Animal Farm the character of Napoleon most likely represents which real-life leader in history?

The right answer is Joseph Stalin.

What is the greek root word of biome?

The Greek root word of biome is "bios," which means life. Biome refers to a large ecosystem characterized by its distinctive climate, vegetation, and animal life.