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No European nation has tried to colonize any territory over which the independent country of the United States had ever laid claim. However, England, France, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, and Germany are all European countries that all colonized territories that have since become part of the United States.

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Q: What European nations tried to colonize the US?
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President James Monroe.

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What us doctrine proclaimed that European powers could no longer colonize or interfere with the Americas?

The Monroe Doctrine. Good Luck!

What is an example of European colonization in Africa?

then no that by colonize us then will have more opportunity for there industry use

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Treaty of Paris

Which US president released a doctrine that stated the US would no longer allow European powers to colonize Western Hemisphere?

James Monroe(: he made the monroe doctrine

How did the Monroe Doctrine serve the interests of the US instead of Latin America or the Caribbean?

In my eyes it is simple, the U.S. did not want the British to colonize Latin America, they wanted to do it themselves. The Monroe Doctrine was just a way of saying, "listen, you can colonize Africa and all the small European nations, but leave Latin America to us. Latin America depended on the U.S. so we were just another step closer to weaseling our way into their resources and people.

Where was the monroe doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine was a US Doctrine issued by President James Monroe. It said that European countries were not allowed to colonize or interfere with the independent nations of the Americas. It also stated that the US planned to stay neutral in wars between European powers and their colonies. It was issued on December 2, 1823. It was stated by President Monroe during his seventh annual State of the Union Address to Congress.