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France is the correct answer.

What European country laid claim to Mexico in the 19th century and even appointed an emperor to rule?





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βˆ™ 14y ago

France did. Such emperor was Maximilian I.

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Q: What European country laid claim to Mexico in the 19th centuryand appointed an emperor to rule?
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Was Julius Seasar a Roman Emporer?

No, Julius Caesar was ever an emperor. He was a dictator. A dictator is a legally appointed official who has power for a set period of time. An emperor is a person who gains his power either by inheritance or appointment, but he holds his power for life. In the case of Julius Caesar, he was appointed dictator for life (a set period of time) but he was killed shortly afterwards.No, Julius Caesar was ever an emperor. He was a dictator. A dictator is a legally appointed official who has power for a set period of time. An emperor is a person who gains his power either by inheritance or appointment, but he holds his power for life. In the case of Julius Caesar, he was appointed dictator for life (a set period of time) but he was killed shortly afterwards.No, Julius Caesar was ever an emperor. He was a dictator. A dictator is a legally appointed official who has power for a set period of time. An emperor is a person who gains his power either by inheritance or appointment, but he holds his power for life. In the case of Julius Caesar, he was appointed dictator for life (a set period of time) but he was killed shortly afterwards.No, Julius Caesar was ever an emperor. He was a dictator. A dictator is a legally appointed official who has power for a set period of time. An emperor is a person who gains his power either by inheritance or appointment, but he holds his power for life. In the case of Julius Caesar, he was appointed dictator for life (a set period of time) but he was killed shortly afterwards.No, Julius Caesar was ever an emperor. He was a dictator. A dictator is a legally appointed official who has power for a set period of time. An emperor is a person who gains his power either by inheritance or appointment, but he holds his power for life. In the case of Julius Caesar, he was appointed dictator for life (a set period of time) but he was killed shortly afterwards.No, Julius Caesar was ever an emperor. He was a dictator. A dictator is a legally appointed official who has power for a set period of time. An emperor is a person who gains his power either by inheritance or appointment, but he holds his power for life. In the case of Julius Caesar, he was appointed dictator for life (a set period of time) but he was killed shortly afterwards.No, Julius Caesar was ever an emperor. He was a dictator. A dictator is a legally appointed official who has power for a set period of time. An emperor is a person who gains his power either by inheritance or appointment, but he holds his power for life. In the case of Julius Caesar, he was appointed dictator for life (a set period of time) but he was killed shortly afterwards.No, Julius Caesar was ever an emperor. He was a dictator. A dictator is a legally appointed official who has power for a set period of time. An emperor is a person who gains his power either by inheritance or appointment, but he holds his power for life. In the case of Julius Caesar, he was appointed dictator for life (a set period of time) but he was killed shortly afterwards.No, Julius Caesar was ever an emperor. He was a dictator. A dictator is a legally appointed official who has power for a set period of time. An emperor is a person who gains his power either by inheritance or appointment, but he holds his power for life. In the case of Julius Caesar, he was appointed dictator for life (a set period of time) but he was killed shortly afterwards.

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