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Hatshepsut. your welcome

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thutmose II

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Q: What Egyptian ruler avoided military conquests and expanded egypt's economy?
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What ruler avoided military conquests and expanded Egypts economy?

thutmose II

What ruler avoided military conquest and expanded Egypts economy what?

It was Hatshepsut. A women pharaoh.

What ruler avoided military conquest and expanded Egypt economy through trade?

I have an official test and it is not one of the choices. It is actually queen Hatshepsut.

Did Bill Clinton have any Military Experience?

No. Bill Clinton was never in the military. He got a student deferment from the draft and avoided any form of military service.

From George Patton's view how could World War 2 been avoided?

Patton obviously had no problem with taking action. He would probably have opted to use military force to stop Hitler from his earliest conquests in Czechslovakia, Poland, etc. instead of just sitting there and hoping that each small country that fell would appease him.

Did James Dean the actor have any military service?

No. They say that he avoided military draft by saying that he was gay. Which was seen as a disease back then. I don;t know if this is true, but he did avoid military draft.

How many men dodged the draft?

The Vietnam War had 16 million men that avoided US military service (dodged the draft).

Was there a punishment for those who avoided being drafted in Vietnam?

Yes they could put you in jail or the stockade, Military prison depending on where you were at the time

Where did japaneese solders hide during world war 2?

unlikely, if any, avoided military duty. it would have caused shame on their family......

How can military draft be avoided?

Type your answer here... Enlist as a fulltime student at an official College or University or Mallingering fake a sickness. Go into hiding. Go overseas.

What is the past perfect tense of avoided?

The past perfect tense of "avoided" is "had avoided."

What is the political definition of a chickenhawk?

A chickenhawk is a politician or other public figure who completely supports acts of war but avoided military draft when they were the appropriate age. Basically, a coward.