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America is the 4th largest country with the strongest military highest economy. (not for long.) and 7th richest country. it has warm and cold weather year round.

but there are some minor things. america is 66.3% over weight. but that's the only downside. A lot of people say were fat stupid weak and have a bad economy. But that's not true. We are the 24th most educated country. Are food is good. We own countries. And were stronger than Russia and china. America yeah!

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12y ago

AMAZING!!!! America is the funest place to live! not exaclty the best beacuse of prices and polution and other stuff like that, not to mention all the critisism we get over how much 'energy' we need. but if you come here, your bound to have fun! you get McDonald's, the beaches in California, football, all kinds of unhealthy foods and entertainment that never gets old! COME TO AMERICA!!!!!

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