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== == The Celts were "barbaric savages" only in the eyes of the Romans, to whom every non-Roman (except perhaps the Greeks) were "barbarians." The Celts had a thriving culture, complete with art, and at one time they were the dominant people of Europe. They never united into a single nation, however, and because of their lack of unity, they were eventually overwhelmed by the Roman Empire. Not all Celts, fell under Roman rule. The Scots, for example, proved to be such fierce foes that the Emperor Hadrian built a wall between Roman-occupied Britain and Scotland to protect their legions against the wild men of the north. Today, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Cornwall remain Celtic bastions. Celts are also found in Brittany, France. The Basques in Spain may also be part of the Celtic family tree.

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Q: Were the Celt's barbaric savages who held spiritual beliefs?
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What is the lifestyle of Celts?

The Celts were known for their agricultural lifestyle, with a focus on farming, herding, and hunting. They lived in small, decentralized communities led by chieftains and practiced animistic beliefs involving nature and the spiritual world. Celts were skilled metalworkers, creating intricate jewelry and weaponry, and were also known for their vibrant artwork and intricate knotwork designs.

How were the Celts governed?

The Celts were governed in tribes. Britain was divided into several kingdoms each with ruling kings or Queens. There were smaller villages or hamlets where there were chieftains (usually the elder members of the community). They were ruled fairly and with strict morals. The myth they were barbaric is quite untrue.

Are Celts barbaric why?

Celts were not in-fact barbaric. yes, there was alot of clan fighting in the later 15th-16th centries between one or two clans, but then again alot of countries all around the world fought amogst themselves and still do. People think that they were particularly barbaric in around 43AD and beyond, but the Scots were only defending their country from people attempting to invade at the time (the Romans) As for the heads on spikes story we don't know if that's actually true, but if it was they would not have been in gardens or houses as trophies in particular, but as warnings to what happens if you mess with Celts. Romans set out crosses with crucified people hanging outside major roads and English hung criminals on chains on city walls. Celts were not as barbaric as people make them out to be. I am decended from Celtic blood, and am positive that they were just trying to survive at the time, and behaving like all other races of peoples at the time. hope this helps. VocmegholBAIN mar sin leigh...

Why are Celts Celts?

Celts were not in-fact barbaric. yes, there was alot of clan fighting in the later 15th-16th centries between one or two clans, but then again alot of countries all around the world fought amogst themselves and still do. People think that they were particularly barbaric in around 43AD and beyond, but the Scots were only defending their country from people attempting to invade at the time (the Romans) As for the heads on spikes story we don't know if that's actually true, but if it was they would not have been in gardens or houses as trophies in particular, but as warnings to what happens if you mess with Celts. Romans set out crosses with crucified people hanging outside major roads and English hung criminals on chains on city walls. Celts were not as barbaric as people make them out to be. I am decended from Celtic blood, and am positive that they were just trying to survive at the time, and behaving like all other races of peoples at the time. hope this helps. VocmegholBAIN mar sin leigh...

What religion the Celts have?

The ancient Celts had a polytheistic religion, worshipping a variety of gods and goddesses tied to nature, the seasons, and various aspects of life. They also believed in a spiritual connection to the land and practiced rituals focused on honoring their deities through offerings and ceremonies. Many aspects of Celtic religious beliefs were passed down orally and are interpreted through archaeological evidence and texts from later periods.

Were the Romans worried about the fierce Celts?

The Celts were seen by the Romans as barbaric and in battle they didn't follow the Roman rules of battle. The Romans generally were worried about the barbarian tribes crossing into Italy. They had tried fighting them on their own turf and knew that they more more than willing to die rather than be slaves or to pay the Romans for allowing them to live.

What jobs did iron age Celts have?

Iron age Celts had a variety of jobs, including farmers, craftsmen (such as blacksmiths, weavers, and potters), warriors, tribal leaders, and spiritual leaders. They also engaged in trade with other cultures and participated in mining and metalworking.

What jewelry and ornaments did Celts have?

Celts wore a variety of jewelry and ornaments, including torcs, bracelets, brooches, and rings. These items were often made from materials such as gold, silver, bronze, and adorned with intricate designs and symbols that held cultural and spiritual significance for the Celts. Such ornaments were not only decorative but also served as indicators of social status or affiliations within the Celtic society.

What Type of jewelry did the Celts wear?

The Celts wore various types of jewelry, including necklaces, bracelets, brooches, and rings. They often used materials such as gold, silver, bronze, and enamel to create intricate designs featuring motifs like animals, spirals, and knotwork. Jewelry held significant cultural and symbolic meanings for the Celts, reflecting their beliefs and social status.

What were Celts were organized into with a chieftain as leader?

Celts were organized into tribes with a chieftain as the leader. These tribes often had a strong sense of identity and were united by common customs, language, and beliefs. The chieftain held power through a combination of military strength, charisma, and support from other tribal members.

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The celts did not have pencils.

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did the celts have any illnesses