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urban areas.

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Q: Well over half of all Latin Americans today live in?
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Where do half of all Latin Americans live today?

Over 80% of Latin Americans live on cities while 54% of them live among Brazil and Mexico, the most populous Latin American countries.

How much of America lives in suburbs?

Today, about half of all Americans live in suburbs.

What is the Latin word for half?

HEMI is the Latin counterpart of half :)

Is Christina milian latin?

Yes She is she is half black and half latin

What did it mean when they said it was going from a agrarian nation to a industrial giant?

As late as the start of World War II, half of Americans lived on farms. Today, about 5% do. In 1900, we were essentially an agrarian nation. Bu 1940, we were about half-and-half. Today, we are an industrial nation, for the large part.

The latin word for half-hour?

The latin word for half-hour is séminóra A slight spelling problem there. Half-hour = Semihora

What is the Latin name for the musical term half-note?

The Latin term meaning half note is minim.

What is half a sphere in greek and latin words?

Hemisphere: Latin Misosphere: Greek

What do Americans put in coffee described as cream?

Usually half & half: half milk and half cream.

How many Americans supported the Vietman war?

When historians state that the war divided the nation; they pretty well mean that it split the half.

Is carlos pena a Latin?

Yes. He's half Spanish and Venezuelan and half Dominican.

How did Americans feel about orthodox religion in 1920?

They really gave a hoot, where we could care less today except make sure your on time for church on Sunday for an hour and a half.