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Q: Was there segregation in Mississippi even before the Civil War?
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When did segregation start and end?

It pretty much started before we even became a country and in some places it hasnt even ended

What led to the formation of the NAACP?

Racism, segregation, and just all around bad conditions for black people in the US even after the civil war.

Was martin Luther king famous before or after die?

He was famous when he was alive and after death. He become even more famous after segregation

What the biggest problem facing the us at the end of the civil war?

The continued division amongst the North and the South of the United States. Even with the Confederate Army at their surrender, division in the form of segregation, discrimination, and power difference continued after the Civil War.

Did Eli Whitney fight in the civil war?

NO he died before the war even began

Did Martin Luther King Jr lead the Civil War?

No, he did not. The Civil War was long over before he was even born.

Is the novel the help a true story?

"The Help" is a work of fiction written by Kathryn Stockett. While the novel is set against the backdrop of the Civil Rights Movement in 1960s Mississippi and addresses themes of racism and segregation, the characters and events are not based on real people or specific occurrences.

What was true of Northern cities?

Segregation was practiced even where it was not the law.

What are the two plains of Mississippi?

i don't know. i don't think Mississippi even has plains

Which comes first in determining the reliability index of an electric utility is it the segregation of scheduled and unscheduled outages or is it the segregation of momentary and sustained outage?

Most utilites are bound by State Regulatory Commissions to include scheduled outages, but even if they're not segregating momentary from sustained outages would come before the other.

How do use the word segregation in a sentence?

Neighborhoods in the U.S. today have people from different ethnic backgrounds living side by side. This was not true in the 1950's and 1960's when many areas, especially in the south, where segregation was common. There was a form of segregation between the whites and blacks. Segregation was strong during the times of slavery and even after.

Where is the Mississippi delta located?

The Mississippi Delta is located in Jacksonville .