Canberra's area is approximately 814 square kilometers.
Canberra has a total area of 201,216 acres.
Canberra's total area is 814.2 million square meters.
For the same reason they chose to measure volume in cubic units
Canberra covers an area of: 814.2 km²
Canberra covers an area of approximately 814.2 square kilometers.
The area where Canberra now stands was first settled in the early 1800s under the name "Limestone Plains". The modern city of Canberra was founded in 1913, but the Federal Parliament did not sit there until 1927.
Canberra is the national capital of Australia.
Abraham Lincoln chose the area in 1879.
The ISO for Canberra is either CBR or AU-CBR The telephone country code for Australia is +61; the area code for Canberra is +61 2, followed by an 8-digit number. (All numbers in Canberra begin with +61 2 61 or +61 2 62, but that may change in the future.)
Worimi People