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It was profitable for everyone concerned, the Europeans had free labour working their plantations which brought about huge profits and the slave suppliers (rival African tribes and others )sold people (without a cost of production ) to Europeans in exchange for things like Rum and weapons. Everyone except for the slaves, profited from the triangle.

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Q: Was the slave trade so profitable because of the demand for slaves or the trade triangle?
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How did the cotton gin provoke slavery?

because it was really profitable to harfet cotton now that it could be done eaiser and their aws such a growing demand that slaveowners were buying more land and slaves to make profit basically it put more slaves into bonage

Who brought all the slaves to America?

The Slaves initially arrived in the Americas because of the slave triangle, this was where the Europeans, travelled to Africa and took the Slaves to America, after which they returned to Europe completing the triangle.

What led to an increase in the demand for slaves in the early 19th century?

There was an increase in the demand for slaves in the early 19th century because of the increased population and farming industry.

Why was there a demand for slaves among European countries?

The European has demand for slave it is because of the wines and guns that Africagave them.

Why were slaves in high demand in colonies?

Because there they needed cheap labour.

Why did European demand for African slaves increase in the 1600s?

It increased because it did!

Were there slaves in new England colonies?

Yes there were slaves in the New England States, but they weren't as popular as they were in the south because they were less profitable in the North because of winter accommodations and thing of that sort.

What crop that first made slavery profitable?

Slavery made all crops MORE profitable. If you're talking about America, slaves were brought to the Caribbean to cut sugar cane in droves. This is probably the biggest crop using most slaves initially. Cotton became a big slave labor driven industry in the 19th century for several reasons. However, slaves were initially and primarily owned and used as domestic helpers in the Americas. Only once certain industrial processes were invented and began to be applied to agricultural products such as cotton, which allowed its large scale PROCESSING, did the demand for the RAW cotton skyrocket and thus the demand for slaves to pick it increase as well. If I may say so, the question is backwards. Certain crops did not make slavery profitable, there had always been a market for slaves. It was Slavery which made certain crops profitable.

The colonist paid lower taxes on molasses because of the?

They paid less because of the triangle trade system, which involved slaves, molasses, and rum. The colonists would take the molasses from New England to Africa, where it would be traded for slaves. Then the slaves were taken to the West Indies where they were traded for rum. Finally, the rum was taken to New England and was traded for molasses. Although this method of gaining profit, merchants did it anyway because it was highly profitable.

Machine that increased the demand for slaves?

the machine thAT increased the demand for slaves was the cotton gin

Why was the slave triangle so profitable?

The Slave Trade was incredibly profitable and incredibly cruel. It ripped families apart. People would come home from a hunt or from the fields and find their families missing. In some cases, entire villages were captured. The people in an entire village were rounded up and traded as slaves.

When did the demand for slaves change dramatically?

The demand for slaves changed dramatically during the Atlantic slave trade in the 16th to 19th centuries, when European powers colonized the Americas and there was a huge demand for labor to work on plantations. This led to the forced migration of millions of Africans to the Americas to be used as slaves.