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Ich schwimme gern.ich reite gern.ich spiele gern Fußball.

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Q: Was machst du gern in deiner Freizeit?
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How do you say what are your hobbies or what do you like doing in German native speaker please?

You could ask: Was sind deine Hobbies? or Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?

Was machst du gern?

Ich tanze gern.

Was ist dein Lieblingshobby?

"Was machst Du in deiner Freizeit?" translate as "What do you do in your spare time?"

How do you say was machst du in deiner Freihzeit?

It means "What do you do in your free time?" Pronounce it like "Vahs machst doo in dyener Fryheight?"

Was machst du bis?

"Was machst du bis" = What are you doing until. For example "Was machst du bis Mittag" = What are you doing until midday.

Was machst du grade?

Was machst du gerade? = "What are you doing right now?"

Was machst du in Japan?

Was machst Du in Japan translates as What do you do in Japan?orWhat are you doing in Japan?

Was machst du gerade?

Was zum Teufel machst du = "What the hell are you doing?"

Was machst du dass ist Deutsch?

Was machst du dass is German but makes no sense. It translates as What are you doing that

Was machst du und sara?

"Was machst du und sara?" = What are you and Sara doing? Du = friendly "you", to someone you are on first name terms with.

What are you doing in German?

"Was machst du?" or "Was tust du?"

What does 'und was machst du heute noch' mean?

"Und was machst du heute noch?" means "And what are you doing today?"