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The King of Siam offered Abraham Lincoln a herd of elephants which Lincoln declined.

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Q: Was king of Siam a friend of Lincoln?
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Which president received a herd of elephants as a gift from king of Siam?


What gift did the king of Siam offer to Abraham Lincoln?

war elephants

What present did Lincoln refuse to accept from the King of Siam?

The gift of a dozen elephants was declined by Abraham Lincoln.

What gift did President Lincoln turn down from the King of Siam?

War elephants

In 1861 the king of Siam offered to send a gift to the United States but Lincoln politely refused what was the gift?

King Siam was giving War Elephants to the United States.

What do you call the old Thailand?

Siam Remember the musical "The King and I" and it mentions the King of Siam.

In 1861 the king of Siam offered to send a gift to the U.S but Linclon refused what gift did he refuse?

During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln received the offer of a very unique gift from the King of Siam, Rama IV. He offered to send Lincoln war elephants to use against the Confederacy. The president thanked him for his generous offer, but declined the elephants.

Where is Siam from the movie King and you?

Siam in The King and I is in southeast Asia and it's currently known as Thailand.

Who was the king that was offered American monarchy?

The king of Siam.

Who won the Oscar for portraying the king of Siam?

Yul Brynner won the Academy Award (Oscar) for portraying King Mongkut of Siam in The King and I (1956)

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