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Q: Was Texas the 1st 2nd or 3rd to join the union?
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Was Texas the 1st 2nd 3rdor 4th state to join the union?

Texas was admitted into the Union on December 29, 1845 becoming the 28th state to join the Union.

What is 2nd US state in America?

Delaware was the 1st state to join the Union. Pennsylvania was the 2nd state to join the Union.

Was Virginia 1st 2nd 3rd etc to join the union?

Virginia was admitted into the Union on June 25, 1788 becoming the 10th state to join the union.

What were the first 3 states to join the union?

1st Delaware 2nd Pennsylvania 3rd New Jersey

When did the Pennsylvanions join the union?

Pennsylvania was admitted into the Union on December 12, 1787 becoming the 2nd state to join the union.

What was the PA's number to join the union?

Pennsylvania was admitted into the Union on December 12, 1787 becoming the 2nd state to join the union.

Who was the 2nd state to enter the union?

The first state in the United States was Delaware.

What was the 2ND to last state to join the union?


Was Pennsylvania first second or third to join the union?

Pennsylvania was admitted into the Union on December 12, 1787 becoming the 2nd state to join the union.

What was the second state to join the us?

Pennsylvania was the second state to join the Union. This was posted by Amelia

Which is the second to the last state to join the union?

Both Hawaii and Alaska joined the union in 1959. Hawaii was the last to join the union on August 21, 1959. Alaska was the 2nd last to join the union on January 3, 1959.

What number was pennnsylvania admitted to the union?

Pennsylvania was admitted into the union on December 12, 1787 becoming the 2nd state to join the union.