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No Poseidon was never turned to stone. If he was Medusa would have caused it, but she never made Poseidon turn to stone.

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Q: Was Poseidon turned to stone
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What did Poseidon do to the ship that had returned to Ithaca?

He turned it to stone as it was returning to Scheria.

What did Poseidon do to the ship that had returned Odysseus to Ithaca?

He turned it to stone as it was returning to Scheria.

What happened after the war between Athena and Poseidon?

Medusa was seduced by Poseidon while in Athena's temple. Athena was enraged by this and took all her anger out on the beautiful Medusa. She turned Medusa into a hideous creature whose stare turned anything the stone.

What was Medusas impotance in Greek culture?

Athena turned Medusa's hair into snakes after she caught Poseidon and Medusa in her temple. Now, Medusa was so ugly, anyone who saw her turned to stone.

Why were gorgons given the power to turn things into stone?

Athena caught Poseidon raping one of her followers, Medusa, in her temple. Interestingly, Medusa was punished, not Poseidon. Athena turned Medusa and her sisters into Gorgons.

Did Poseidon have conflict?

One conflict Poseidon had to deal with was when he brought his girlfriend, Medusa to the temple of Athena. Athena was insulted by the act and turned Medusa's hair into snakes and every man that looked at her would turn into stone.

What conflicts did Poseidon's have with other gods or goddess?

One conflict was when Poseidon took his girlfriend Medusa into Athena's temple. Athena took this as an insult and turned Medusa's hair into snakes and made every man who looked at her turn to stone.

Why was Poseidon named the earth shaker?

Poseidon controlled the sea, and could make the earth shake with his fury. He was known to dash men against rocks, and once turned a Phaecian ship into stone.

How did Demeter try to deter Poseidon?

She turned herself into a mare, but Poseidon turned into a stallion and she bore him Arion the immortal horse, and the goddess Despoina.

What were Poseidon crimes?

Poseidon's most know crime was sleeping with Medusa in Athena's temple, this enraged Athena and then turned Medusa into a horrible beast that if you looked into her eyes you turned to stone, snakes as hair and instead of legs she had a snake tail. In doing this Athena was making sure no one would ever look at medusa again.

Who was rescued by Perseus?

Atlas-Perseus turned Atlas to stone so he could no longer feel his burden Andromeda-she was being sacraificed to Poseidon's sea monster when Perseus saved her.

Can Poseidon shape shift?

Seeing as Poseidon turned himself into a horse to mate with Demeter, the answer is yes.