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Answer 1

No he was Jewish. This being a term originally coined for people from Judea (the southern kingdom) as opposed to Israelite which during the period of the two kingdoms was used for those from the northern kingdom of Israel.

When the Romans defeated the Jewish uprising in the second century (100 years after Jesus died) they wished to wipe out all signs of Jewishness in the region. They renamed it using a very Roman sounding name, 'Palestinia', which was the first time this term had ever been used.

After the Roman Empire fell and throughout the period of Ottoman influence, the name Palestinia was not used. The name 'Palestine' was resurrected to describe the area ruled by the British Empire under mandate after the first world war. It included the present day Israel, occupied territories and Jordan.

Between the wars 'Palestine was split into two with the area to the east of the Jordan river being given over to an Arab (Muslim) state originally called TransJordania (across the Jordan). This later became plain 'Jordan'. The remaining part (now much smaller in size) continued to be call Palestine. As Jews purchased property and moved into the area, they were originally called 'Palestinians'.

The UN agreed a partition of the remaining Palestine into two parts in 1948, the western part to become a Jewish homeland (but actually established as a secular rather than religious state) whilst a part immediately to the west of the Jordan River was to become Palestine another Arab Muslim state. Jerusalem was to be shared between the two.

Israel declared itself a state but Palestine did not. Arab-Israeli wars followed by which the surrounding Muslim nations hoped to eradicate the state of Israel. This did not happen and Jordan annexed what was intended to become Palestine leading it to be called, 'The West Bank' (i.e. of the Jordan).

After the 1967 war Israel captured all of the 'West Bank' or 'Palestine' from Jordan.

Palestine finally declared its statehood in 1988 but of course remains occupied by Israel as it has since 1967.

Answer 2

Was Jesus a Palestinian? No, not in the modern meaning of the term Palestinian. Although there are a small minority of Christian Palestinians, modern day Palestinians are mostly Arab moslems who live in the area that Christ once lived, but in Jesus' time the population was almost exclusively Jewish except for a small minority of Gentile (non-Jewish) immigrants, and the Roman occupying power.

Answer 3

Although Jesus was a Jew, and born in Bethlehem in the country of Judaea (this was known as the 'southern kingdom' with Israel, north of Judaea known as the 'northern kingdom' after israel split hundreds of years before), Jesus lived most of his life in Galilee, a region to the north of Israel, as his parents were from Nazareth, a small settlement there. Jesus spent most of his ministry in the Galilee area; he spoke the language of Galilee (Aramaic) as a first language and taught in the synagogues there. He was a Jew through-and-through, and, though he lived in the same part of the world as palestinians live today, in background, race, culture, language, and so on, he was not Palestinian but Jewish.

Answer 4

In response to "Was Jesus a Palestinian?" The answer is no. Jesus was, in all probability born in Bethlehem of GALILEE, near Nazareth in an area generically called "JUDEA". The name "Syria Palestina" was applied by the Romans after 135 A.D.following the Second Jewish (Bar Kokhba) Revolt. About 100 years after Jesus' death. So even technically, Jesus cannot be called a Palestinian. "Palestine" remained until 1948 when the even more ancient name, Israel was applied .The Arabs at that time did not call themselves "Palestinians" either, simply Arabs or Jordanians, depending on their nationalities. Now there is a movement by the PA (since the 1970's)to delegitimize anything "Israeli" or Jewish with a false history. I have even seen Islamic web sites that claim the holy family were Muslims! When well-meaning Christians or conscious revisionists change history to suit politics, TRUTH is the first casualty. The Palestinians, Islamicists and others of a like mind are "hitching a ride" on the Jesus Narrative to promote an anti-Judeo/Christian culture. Just look at the harassment, murder and forced emigration of first the Jews, now the Christians from Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and other Muslim countries. They had lived there for thousands of years BEFORE Islam arrived...please don't help them by writing that Jesus was born in Palestine, it is wrong on every level.

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13y ago

At the time of Jesus , Bethlehem was part of Palestine, but it is now back in the hands of Palestine today.

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12y ago

Palestine is another name for Judea where Jesus lived and preached.

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8y ago

NO. Palestinian is a modern term which refers to an Arab from the southern Levant. Jesus was not an Arab, but a Jew.

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10y ago

Jesus was from Nazareth.

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