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Willem Jansz/Janszoon was a Dutchman who was seeking new trade routes and trade associates. He became the first recorded European to step foot on Australia's shores on the western shore of Cape York Peninsula, on 26 February 1606.

In 1616, Dutch sea-captain Dirk Hartog sailed too far whilst trying out Henderik Brouwer's recently discovered route from the Cape of Good Hope to Batavia, via the Roaring Forties. Reaching the western coast of Australia, he landed at Cape Inscription on 25 October 1616. His is the first known record of a European visiting Western Australia's shores.

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Q: Was Dirk Hartog the first white to set foot on Australia?
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When did Dirk Hartog land?

Dirk Hartog first landed on the western coast of Australia at Cape Inscription on 25 October 1616.

What year was it when Dirk Hartog found Australia?

Dirk Hartog landed on what is now known as Dirk Hartog Island, at Cape Inscription, Western Australia on 25 October 1616.

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Dirk Hartog was a Dutch explorer who first explored and landed on the western coast of Australia in 1616. He is known for being the first European to set foot on this part of Australia.

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Dirk Hartog landed on Australia's west coast in 1616.

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Dirk Hartog landed on what is now called Dirk Hartog Island, in Western Australia, at a point now named Cape Inscription.

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Dirk Hartog discovered what is now called Dirk Hartog Island, in Western Australia, at a point now named Cape Inscription.

How did Dirk Hartog get around in Australia?

In his boat.

How much was Dirk Hartog paid to discover Australia?

Dirk Hartog was not the one who discovered Australia. The Australian Aborigines and the Macassan sea traders from Asia had already discovered the continent. Hartog was not even the first European to discover Australia. He had been preceded in 1606 by Willem Jansz. Therefore, he was not paid to discover Australia. Hartog was blown accidentally onto the shores of Western Australia in 1616.

When dirk hartog discovered Australia was he a captain?

Dirk Hartog did not discover Australia, as it had already been settled by Indigenous Australians for thousands of years. Dirk Hartog was the second European person to arrive in Australia. He was the commander, or captain of his ship at the time. The first European person to arrive in Australia was Willen Janszoon, who mapped the East coast in 1606. Both explorers believed that Australia was part of Papua New Guinea at the time.

What did Dirk Hartog call Australia when discovered?

Because Dirk Hartog was Dutch, the western half of the Australian continent was called "New Holland".