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Q: Was Christ born after the Great Wall of China was built?
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The great wall of china was built before christ was born?

Yes, it was built in the 6th century BC [1]

Was the Great Wall of China built in 276 years?

The great wall of china was not built in 276 years.the great wall was not built in 276 years. But it was built in 221 b.c.

The Great Wall of China was built to?

china only that is why it is called the great wall of CHINA!

What place in china was the great wall of China built in?

The Great Wall, one of the wonders of the world, is in China.

Who built the Great Wall of China and why was it built?

Shi Huangdi built the great wall of china for protection against fierce warriors.

Why might The Great Wall of China have been built?

The great wall of China was built to kept there enemies out of there land

Which dystasty of china built the great wall?

The Great Wall of China was built in the Qin (pronounced CHIN) dynasty.

When Great Wall of China made?

The Great Wall of China was built in the 7th century

What country has a fortified wall built across it?

China has the Great Wall of China built across it.

Who built and designed The Great Wall of China?

shi huaugdi an ancient Chinese emperor built and the Great Wall of China

When was the great wall china start to be built?

The Great Wall Of China started being built in the late 1400's!

Why is the Great Wall of China built for?

It was built to protect and isolate China.