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Q: Unified German empire was given the title of?
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The ruler of the new unified German empire was given the title of?


What was the title given to the ruler of the new unified German empire?

king = König

What was the title of the ruler of the new unified German Empire?


What is the title given to the ruler of an empire?

Emperor is the title given to the ruler of an empire.

What title was given to the leaders of the Islamic empire after the death of Muhammad?

Caliph (or Khalifa in Arabic)

What is the definition of Tribunes?

Tribunes were elected officials in the ancient Roman Empire. Tribune was the title they were given.

Why is there a unified tag team title?

there is unified tag team titles because when the people with one of the tag team titles fights for the other tag team title and they win both titles are unified therefore they are called the unified tag team titles

What was the change of the title given to Octavian?

Octavian was given the title Augustus.Octavian was given the title Augustus.Octavian was given the title Augustus.Octavian was given the title Augustus.Octavian was given the title Augustus.Octavian was given the title Augustus.Octavian was given the title Augustus.Octavian was given the title Augustus.Octavian was given the title Augustus.

What happened to the WWE womens title?

it was unified with the Divas Championship

Did Germany changed its name during history?

In the middle ages, what's now known as Germany was called the "Holy Roman Empire". In 1871, these states united to create the "German Reich", also called the "German Empire". After the German Empire's defeat in WW1, the newly democratic Germany was often called "Weimar Germany" or the "Weimar Republic. In the 1930s, they changed the name to the "Greater German Reich", but many people simply called it "Nazi Germany". After WWII, Germany was split into the "Federal Republic of Germany" (also called "West Germany") and the "German Democratic Republic (also called "East Germany). After West Germany and East Germany unified in 1990, they kept the "Federal Republic of Germany" title, which is the official name of Germany today.

What was the official title given to supremely powerful leaders who were at the top of the Inca empire's political and social system?

Sapa Inca

Who ruled Egypt in 1 AD?

In the year 1 AD, Egypt was a province of the Roman Empire. The Emperor Augustus Caesar was ruler of the entire Empire; he was also given the title "Pharoah of Egypt", but this was simply an honorary title to remind the Egyptians who was in charge.