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Q: Type of tent used for housing in Mongolia?
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Related questions

What type of housing is there in Cuba?

Various types of housing are used in cuba, but the most common is cement housing.

What type of energy is used to pitch a tent?

Pitching a tent typically requires mechanical energy from physical exertion to hammer tent stakes, assemble poles, and stretch fabric. Additionally, human and solar energy can be used indirectly to produce the materials needed for the tent.

What do teepees mean?

It is a type of tent that was used by some Native Americans. In English , spelled tipi.

Where can you find

just type https [frontslash] [frontslash] tent[dot] is into you browser address field.What is is a Tent host. Tent is a protocol for distributed communications. Tent can be used as a personal data vault, a single sign on service, and/or a distributed social network.

What type of housing is commonly used in Italy?

normal house

Who's tent do they use in the seventh Harry Potter?

They used Mr Weasley's friends tent. They used the same tent in the 4th book at the Quidditch World Cup

What is a tent used as a dressing room near the sea called?

dressing tent

What is detection antenna housing called?

The housing used for a detection antenna is called a radome. This type of housing is made from transparent material, which is often found on the outer surface of an aircraft.

What type of glue is used to glue magnets to metal housing?

Epoxy would be best for this.

What kind of play tent can be used inside but also used outside and withstand rain?

Just about any nylon play tent can be used outside and in the rain.

What object did Jael use to kill Sisera?

Jael used a tent peg and a hammer to kill Sisera. She lured him into her tent, where he fell asleep, and then she drove the tent peg through his temple with the hammer, killing him.

Does Mongolia have a marine or continental influence?

No, Mongolia is a landlocked country. It has 1 ship Sukhbaatar, and it is used on lake Khubsgul.