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Q: Top 10 dirtiest countries in the world?
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I don't know the top 10, but the dirtiest (most germs) is the mouth.

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I vote for Rochester NY as one of the dirtiest.

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USA by far is the most dangerous country in the world.

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Africa has the most countries on the list of the top 10 countries with the most number of countries.

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those are for just joke there are notm such countries

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There are likely 10 countries in the top 10

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1 phillipinerican countrygypt afs indonesia china usa e

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Some of the top tourist destinations in the world include France, the United States, China, and Spain. Other top countries are Italy, the United Kingdom, Turkey, and Germany.

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75% of the world's cyber attacks during 2012 were launched from only 10 countries. These top 10 countries are:10. Hungary. 9. Italy 8. India 7. The European Union 6. Brazil 5. Taiwan 4. Russians 3. Turkey 2. The United States 1. China