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Q: Tokyo is a city in what country?
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Is Tokyo a state country or city?

Tokyo is state city. It is the capital city of Japan.

Country of Tokyo?

Country of Japan City of Tokyo

Is Tokyo a state or country?

Neither. Tokyo is a city in Japan.

What country is Tokyo the capital city in?

Tokyo is the capital city of Japan.

What is Tokyo is the capital city of this Asian country?

Tokyo is the capital city of Japan.

Is Tokyo a city or country in Japan?

its a city

Is Tokyo a Less Economically Developed country?

Tokyo is not a country. Tokyo is the capital city of Japan. It is a very highly developed city. So it is not a Less Economically Developed Country.

Which capital in Tokyo likes baseball and sumo wrestling?

Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Japan is the country, Tokyo is a city in that country.

What country is the city of Tokyo in?


What Tokyo is the capital of the this Asian country?

Tokyo is the capital city of Japan.

Is Tokyo bigger than England?

No. Tokyo is a city and England is a country.

What is a city Bangladesh Tokyo Amsterdam and New Delhi?

Tokyo, Amsterdam and New Delhi are cities. Bangladesh is a country.