Monday 1 Jumada al-Awwal 1395
The Hijri Date would have been .month 9 (Ramadan) Day 21 of Hijri year 1419.If you look upConversion of Islamic and Christian datesat the following web site: can input any date and it will convert it for you.
Eid holidays (three days) twice a year. Hijri new year (Hijri Calendar) Mawlid al nabawi (Prophit Mohammed's birth date on hijri calendar) national Day (18 Nov) Weekends are Thursdays and Fridays for government offices, and Fridays and saturdays for banks and some corporates.
Depends on where you are. Depends on the sighting of the moon. In the USA, 6th January is 9th moharram.
17 Ramadan 1370 Hijri = 22 June 1951 Gregorian
Ramadan is a month in the Islamic Hijri calendar. Ramadan is the 9th month. The Hijri Calendar started on the day that Prophet Muhammad SAW made the migration from Makkah to Medina. Hijri is derived from the word Hijrah which literally means "Migration"
5th day of the 4th month of year 1430 Hijra year corresponds to 1st day of April of year 2009 AD.
Saudia Arabia
You can type:=TODAY()This is will always have the current date in it, so it will change each day. You can also press and hold the Ctrl key and press the ; key to enter today's date, but the date will not have changed to a new date if you open it on another day. The NOW() function works like TODAY() but gives the time as well as the date.You can type:=TODAY()This is will always have the current date in it, so it will change each day. You can also press and hold the Ctrl key and press the ; key to enter today's date, but the date will not have changed to a new date if you open it on another day. The NOW() function works like TODAY() but gives the time as well as the date.You can type:=TODAY()This is will always have the current date in it, so it will change each day. You can also press and hold the Ctrl key and press the ; key to enter today's date, but the date will not have changed to a new date if you open it on another day. The NOW() function works like TODAY() but gives the time as well as the date.You can type:=TODAY()This is will always have the current date in it, so it will change each day. You can also press and hold the Ctrl key and press the ; key to enter today's date, but the date will not have changed to a new date if you open it on another day. The NOW() function works like TODAY() but gives the time as well as the date.You can type:=TODAY()This is will always have the current date in it, so it will change each day. You can also press and hold the Ctrl key and press the ; key to enter today's date, but the date will not have changed to a new date if you open it on another day. The NOW() function works like TODAY() but gives the time as well as the date.You can type:=TODAY()This is will always have the current date in it, so it will change each day. You can also press and hold the Ctrl key and press the ; key to enter today's date, but the date will not have changed to a new date if you open it on another day. The NOW() function works like TODAY() but gives the time as well as the date.You can type:=TODAY()This is will always have the current date in it, so it will change each day. You can also press and hold the Ctrl key and press the ; key to enter today's date, but the date will not have changed to a new date if you open it on another day. The NOW() function works like TODAY() but gives the time as well as the date.You can type:=TODAY()This is will always have the current date in it, so it will change each day. You can also press and hold the Ctrl key and press the ; key to enter today's date, but the date will not have changed to a new date if you open it on another day. The NOW() function works like TODAY() but gives the time as well as the date.You can type:=TODAY()This is will always have the current date in it, so it will change each day. You can also press and hold the Ctrl key and press the ; key to enter today's date, but the date will not have changed to a new date if you open it on another day. The NOW() function works like TODAY() but gives the time as well as the date.You can type:=TODAY()This is will always have the current date in it, so it will change each day. You can also press and hold the Ctrl key and press the ; key to enter today's date, but the date will not have changed to a new date if you open it on another day. The NOW() function works like TODAY() but gives the time as well as the date.You can type:=TODAY()This is will always have the current date in it, so it will change each day. You can also press and hold the Ctrl key and press the ; key to enter today's date, but the date will not have changed to a new date if you open it on another day. The NOW() function works like TODAY() but gives the time as well as the date.
not today. haha
Time in the Islamic Calendar is shown in Hijri mode . That is the day/month/year after the Hijra ( Immigration) of Prophet Mohammad (AS) from Mecca to Madina . 9 September 622 A.D is said to mark the first day of the Hijri Calendar. ( Day may differ due to the time difference between the two calendars. Hijri Calendar is a lunar calendar.
There are many websites that can tell you what happened, historically, on any date. It is hard to tell you what happened on today's date, as the date is unclear.