The journey typically takes 3hrs 25mins (including changing trains).
For this journey you need to change trains once at Preston. Virgin Trains operate the route from Preston to Glasgow/Glasgow to Preston and Northern Rail operate from Blackpool to Preston/Preston to Blackpool.
The fare for an adult single anytime ticket (for that day) is £57 and the fare for an adult return anytime ticket (for that day) is £65.30. You can purchase cheaper tickets though if you book in advance for a specific train and if you have a railcard.
Generally trains operate hourly, however there are less services early in the morning and late at night.
I have attached the link for National Rail's website below, which gives information on timetables, journey times, route information, fares, railcards/discounts etc...
Northbound, West Coast Main Line services from London, Birmingham, Manchester, Carlisle etc. Carlisle is also the changing-point for passengers to Glasgow from Leeds via the Settle & Carlisle Railway, and from Newcastle via Hexham.
Also of course, Edinburgh and elsewhere in Scotland.
what is the distance from Glasgow to blackpool
186 miles taking this route: # Take M74/A74(M) (SOUTH) from Glasgow to ENGLAND, where A74(M) becomes M6. # Continue on M6 to M55 to BLACKPOOL at JUNCTION 32. # Take M55 to Blackpool.
It takes between 1:20 (Manchester Piccadilly to Blackpool North) and 1:45 (Blackpool South).
There are no direct trains between Stansted Airport and Blackpool. You would have to change at least three times and the journey would take between four and five hours dependent on which train you catch.
According to the AA route planner it is 196.5 miles by road.
Around 3 hours 20 minutes, changing trains at Leeds.
About 4 hours. You have to change trains in Aberdeen.
There are no direct trains between Southport and Blackpool. You have to either change at Wigan, or complete the Southport-Preston leg by bus. It's impractical to try to reproduce the whole timetable here, so I suggest you go to: RedNev
Glasgow Daily Times was created on 1882-06-17.
Queen Street station, which is located next door. Queen Street serves trains to the north of Glasgow, but trains to the south of Glasgow go to Central station, so if you end up there you'll have to walk or catch the Subway. Trains from Edinburgh can go to either station.