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Roger Williams. For Sure.

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Charlie Schulist

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2y ago
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I'm not sure but I think it is Roger Williams.

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Q: This person was a puritan minister who disagreed with the way the leaders of masssechusetts ruled?
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This person was a Puritan minister who disagreed with the way the leaders of the Massachusetts ruled?

thomas hooker

Who was a puritan minister who disagreed with the way the leaders of massechusetts ruled?

Roger Williams.. For Sure.

Who disagreed with the puritan leaders?

anne hutchinson's

Who was the person a was puritan minister who disagreed with the way the leaders of Massachusetts ruled?

There were a number of Puritan ministers and church members who came to disagree with how the colony was being run, but you are probably thinking of Roger Williams. He was among the best-known dissenters and he so strongly disagreed with the colony's Puritan leaders that he left Massachusetts and founded what became Rhode Island.

Who was the puritan minister who disagreed with the way the leader of Massachusetts ruled?

david Thomson

Who was a Puritan minister who disagreed with the way the leaders of Massachusetts ruled?

There were a number of Puritan ministers and church members who came to disagree with how the colony was being run, but you are probably thinking of Roger Williams. He was among the best-known dissenters and he so strongly disagreed with the colony's Puritan leaders that he left Massachusetts and founded what became Rhode Island.

Who was the Puritan minister who disagrees with the way the leaders of the Massachusetts ruled?

david Thomson

Why did Thomas Hooker leave the colony Massachusetts bay?

Thomas Hooker was forced to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He had to leave when he disagreed with the Puritan leaders.

What is one interesting fact about Rhode Island?

Roger Williams was a minister in Salem and he stated his beliefs in his sermons. He and his followers believed that their church should be separate from the colonial government. They also believed that Puritan leaders should not punish people for having different beliefs. He also disagreed with Puritan leaders over their treatment of Native Americans. John Winthrop and the other Puritan leaders decided to punish Williams for his dissent. They held a trial and found him guilty of spreading "new and dangerous opinions." In 1635 the leaders voted to expel Williams from Massachusetts or force him to leave.

Why was Thomas Hooker banished from England?

He disagreed with the Puritan teachers.

Why did Thomas Hooker and Roger Williams leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

Roger Williams often disagreed with the the Puritan leaders. Thomas Hooker just got up and leave to find riches from land.

Why did Puritan leaders banish Anne Hutchinson from Massachusetts?

Puritan leaders had banned Anne Hutchinson from Massachusetts because Hutchinson criticized Puritan ministers. She also held meetings in her home where men and women talked about religion. Puritan leaders did not like this.