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Q: This constellation pictures a musical instrument?
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What constellation pictures a musical instrument.?


What constellation is associated with this constellation picture a musical instrument?


What animal is the constellation Lyra?

Not an animal, it's the musical instrument called a lyre.

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One of the four brightest stars in the sky Vega can be found in which musical constellation?

Vega can be found in the constellation Lyra, which is often depicted as a musical instrument, specifically a lyre, in Greek mythology. This constellation is associated with the myth of Orpheus, a legendary musician and poet.

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The name "Lyra" is believed to be derived from the name of a constellation in the northern sky called Lyra. The constellation is often associated with the lyre, a musical instrument from Greek mythology, which is said to be the source of inspiration for the name.

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it is a musical instrument!

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The mandolin is a musical instrument. The mellophone is a musical instrument.

What is a instrument that starts with w?

The whistle is a musical instrument. The washboard is a musical instrument.