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Gregorio Lind

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The US wanted to extend the Missouri compromise line all the way to the Pacific.

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Q: The what wanted to extend the missouri copromise line all the way to the pacific?
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Wanted to extend the Missouri Compromise line all the way to the Pacific?


The wanted to extend the Missouri Compromise line all the way to the Pacific.?


Who wanted to extend the Missouri Compromise line all the way to the Pacific?

Secretary of State James Buchanan

Why did Lewis and Clark go do the expedition?

They went because Thomas Jefferson wanted them to explore the Missouri river and the pacific ocean.

Was Lincoln against The Missouri Compromise?

Lincoln was only 11 years old when then Missouri Compromise was made. I doubt that he had any strong feelings about it. He did not regularly go the school-- he may not even have heard about it at the time.

What problem did people in Missouri have when the state requested statehood?

There was a problem when Missouri wanted to become a state because the south wanted Missouri to enter as a slave state but the north wanted Missouri to enter as a free state. Which led to the Missouri Compromise.

Explain why westward expansion created a clash between sectional interests in Missouri?

Free states and slave states both wanted to see their ideas extend to the west. Americans who moved west took their different ways of life with them. This was a conflict for Missouri because they believed in slavery.

Why did westward expansion in the US create a clash between sectional interests in Missouri?

Free states and slave states both wanted to see their ideas extend to the west. Americans who moved west took their different ways of life with them. This was a conflict for Missouri because they believed in slavery.

Why does Lincoln say insurgents wanted to fight?

Because they wanted to extend and perpetuate slavery

Why does Lincoln say the insurgents wanted to fight?

Because they wanted to extend and perpetuate slavery

Why did people leave Independence Missouri?

Because they wanted 2Because they wanted 2

What is a state that wanted to be admitted as a slave state?
