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Chapter 3 Section 4 : Section Quiz The Origins of Judaism

Answer C:prevent an attack by the Assyrians on Israel and Judah

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Q: The tribute paid by Israel and Judah to the Assyrians was an effort to prevent an attack by the?
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Can you tribute one monster and attack with him in the same turn?

You can attack with a monster and then tribute it in the same turn, yes. Obviously if you tribute it first, then it can't attack unless you've got a way to bring it back to the field.

After tribute summon can attack your opponent?


Can you attack in the same turn you tribute summon a monster?

Yes, you can attack with the Tribute Summoned monster unless a card effect tells it not to or it is after the Battle Phase.

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Elamites and Assyrians attack Babylonia.

Can you attack with a monster and then sacrifice it?

Yes, of course you can. You can tribute it for the cost of an effect, or in main phase 2, for a Tribute Summon.

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Those who attack it.

Can a Tribute Summoned monster attack one the turn he was played?

Yes, it can.

Can you attack with one monster then tribute him for another monster and then attack with the new one in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Tribute summons are performed in the main phases, as are synchro summons. So if you have an attack phase and attack with one monster, the only way you can use it as tribute for a tribute summon (or send it for a synchro summon) is to enter Main Phase 2. If you do this, then you won't be able to declare an attack with the new monster since you have left the battle phase. The only thing you could do really is use an effect that can Special summon while you are still in the battle phase.

Did Syria attack Israel?

Yes, in 1973.

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One can eat healthy and do excercise to prevent a heart attack.

Can you download the Attack on Titan tribute game on a Surface?

No, you cannot download it to a Surface.

When did kush attack roman fort?

24 B.C.E then they were demanding tribute from Kush.