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Strait of Gibraltar.

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Q: The pillars of Hercules stands either side of which stretch of water?
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What does the symbol stand for on Spain's flag?

The Upper Left: Stands for the old kingdom of Castille. ( gold castle against a red background) The Upper Right: Stands for the old kingdom of Leon. ( red lion against white background) The Lower Left: Stands for the old kingdom of Argon. ( yellow and red bars) The Lower Right: Stands for the old kingdom of Navarre. ( gold chains with red background) The pomegranate stans for the old Kingdom of Granada, the last stronghold of the moors in Spain. The Crown on top stands for the royal family. The pillars are the pillars of hercules which used to mean the end of the world. PLVS VLTRA on the pillars was added later which is referring to the discoveries of the Americas by Columbus. The fleur-de-lis is the symbol of the House of Bourbon.

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What are Pillars?

Pillars are stone or brick structure on which a building stands. Five basic beliefs of Islam are called Pillars of Islam because the who structure/fabric of Islam stands on these Five Beliefs. 1. Belief in the ONENESS of Almighty God, with NO Son, No Parents, No Partner 2. Offering Prayer 3. Paying Zakat 4. Fasting in the month of Ramazan 5. Performing Hajj once in life

Why did Hercules kill Perclymenus?

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What are the purpose of the 5 pillars of Islam give 1 detail?

Pillars are the support on which a building stands. The edifice of Islam stands on the five pillars. Five Pillars of Islam:1. Shahadat [testimony that there is no god except Allah (God) the One and Only One, having No Partner whatsoever. And Muhammad is His servant and Messenger],2. Salah (praying five times a day)3. Zakah (specific compulsory charity-2,5% of annual savings),4. Saum (fasting during Ramadan)5. Hajj (pilgrimage) for those who can afford it. Their purpose, as with most religious creeds, is to create and strengthen commitment to the religion.

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it either means a small part but sometimes stands for be in touch! it either means a small part but sometimes stands for be in touch!

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it either means a small part but sometimes stands for be in touch! it either means a small part but sometimes stands for be in touch!

What is pnf stretch?

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Where can one find information about Stretch IRA do?

IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account. A stretch IRA allows for the distribution of assets. Using this "technique" means the IRA can be passed from generation to generation. Further information on Stretch IRA's can be found at most wealth management sources.

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According to myth, he stood at the edge of the world. The Atlas Mountains in North Africa are named for him. The ancients believed that just over the horizon after passing through the Pillars of Hercules (the straight of Gibraltar), you would come to the Island of Erytheia, where the Hesperides guarded the tree of the golden apples. Since Atlas had to travel to the island to get the Apples for Heracles, is stands to reason that he would have stood straddling the straight.

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Maddie stands for either Madison or Madeline (also spelled Madeleine)