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Q: The last of the orginial 13 colonies Georgia is founded as a penal colony?
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Which colony was founded last of the Southern Colonies?

the last colony to founded in the southern colonies was Georgia

When was the last of the 13 colonies established?

The colony of Georgia, which was founded by James Oglethorpe, in 1732.

Why was Georgia founded?

In 1733, James Oglethorpe founded Georgia. Georgia was founded for people in debt in England to have a place to start over. The colony of Georgia also created a buffer between the rest of the colonies and Spain.

What was the last colony of the original 13 to be founded?

Georgia was the last colony to be founded. It was the 4th to ratify the Constitution and become a state.

Which colony of the 13 colonies was founded 100 years after Maryland colony?

Georgia in 1733 by James Edward Ogelthorpe.

Which colony was founded last?

Georgia was the last of the American Colonies to be founded. James Oglethorpe founded it in 1733. The first colonists there were English debtors.

The colony of Georgia was founded?

the colony of Georgia was founded in the seventeenth century

Who founded a colony to protect the English colonies from attacks?

James Oglethorpe

What were the two distinctives of the Georgia colony?

Georgia is the last of the original 13 English Colonies founded in North America. It was founded by James Olgethorpe for the purpose of helping indegent debtors locked in English jails. It was the only penal colony established by England. It was the only colony founded by Olgethorpe.

What was the last New England colony to be settled?

The first colony established in New England was the Plymouth Plantation, established at Plymouth near Cape Cod.

Why was the Georgia colony founded?

The Georgia colony was founded for all of the prisoners in jail or people who were accused and prosecuted because of their religion to leave that colony or England and start anew in Georgia. It was also founded to protect the middle colonies from attacks. Florida was right under Georgia and Florida was claimed by Spain so there was a chance that Spain could have tried to attack.

What colony was founded in 1733?
