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Q: The influence today on the American flag?
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Does the American flag influence Americans today?

Yes, the American flag does influence Americans today. It brings out a sense of pride and belonging when it is displayed. Flying an American flag in your yard tells people that you are proud of where you live.

Was the American union flag just the American flag?

No. There are many American flags. Each country has its own. The union flag became what is today the US flag.

What is difference between the old American glory flag and the flag today?

i have no idea lol

These appeared on the first American flag and are still part of the flags design today?

What appered on the first American flag is , No body knoes

How is the American flag used today?

to show the declaration of independence

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What do stars represent on American flag represent?

The stars on the American flag represent the number of states in the union. There are fifty stars today, there were 13 originally.

Who many stars on the american flag today?

Yup 50 stars

Does songhai have a flag?

Songhai was a historical empire in West Africa, and it did not have a formal flag as we know it today. However, the empire had various symbols and emblems that represented its power and influence.

What influence does religion have on American Society today?

Less and less it appears.

What is the meaning of a black and silver American flag?

It stand for a change of government in today society.

How do you spell American flag?

American flag is correct.