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The term that best describes a government based on religion is called a Theocracy (Theo meaning God).

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Q: The government of iran today is based on islamic law. What term best describes a government based on religion?
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What are facts about the Islamic religion?

There are many facts about the Islamic religion such as the fact that Islam is a monotheistic religion that is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

What do islamic fundamentalslist believe the government should be based on?

Islamic fundamentalists believe the government should be based on Islam.

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Islamic traditions.

How was the Islamic religion passed along?

The Islamic religion is based on the Jewish old testament. the Islamic version was simply taken into areas where the Muslims invaded and it was also introduced abroad by traders.

What best describes the Aryan religion?

Based on the Vedas

What are the facts about Islam?

There are many facts about the Islamic religion such as the fact that Islam is a monotheistic religion that is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

What is theological republic?

a government based on religion

Are most laws for Muslims based on their religion?

yes, most laws for Muslims in Islamic countries are based on Islam religion per Quran and prophet Muhammad sayings and practices.

What are Pakistans customs?

Basically, Pakistan is an Islamic Country and it has conceived its traditions from Arabic, Persian and Turkish Cultures. All Traditions are based upon Islamic religion beliefs.

What laws and policies of a theocratic government are based on .?

The laws and policies used in a theocratic government are based on religious ideals. Regulations and courts are guided by the religious group that is prevalent in that particular theocratic society.

Where is the Islamic religion based?

Islamic religion is not based in any particular country. True it originated in Saudi Arabia but it spread and is followed by Muslims all over the World. The focal point however is Saudi Arabia as all Muslims have to go for Pilgrimage to Makkah and Madina in Saudi Arabia for Hajj and Umrah.

Islamic philsophers based their writing on what culture?

culture is the bigger umbrella. religion lies under cultures. Islam was started in ARAB so Islamic philosophers depicts the ARABIAN culture and can say Arabian Islamic culture