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Jameson Hauck

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Q: The government in South Vietnam was .?
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What was the name of the government troops of the South Vietnam government?

ARVN=Army Republic of South Vietnam. NVA=North Vietnamese Army.

The name of the Vietnam government during the Vietnam conflict?

Presuming you mean the government supported by the US: The Republic of South Vietnam.

What government was south Vietnam after the Geneva accords?

A free democratic Republic of South Vietnam; pending elections.

What was the name of the Vietnam government during the Vietnam conflict?

SOUTH Vietnam was called the "REPUBLIC of South Vietnam." Everyone in those days just called North Vietnam...NORTH VIETNAM.

How did Korea and Vietnam achieve their current forms of government?

Which Korea and which Vietnam? Today's Vietnam or the old North and South Vietnam?

How did president eisenhower help the government of south Vietnam fight against the communist?

Eisenhower sent troops to South Vietnam so they can fight North Vietnam because North Vietnam wanted to take over South Vietnam and they did.

What kind of government did south Vietnam have?

democratic GiOsItO

What did the citizens of south Vietnam do after the war?

South Vietnam no longer existed after 1975. People in the "former" Republic of South Vietnam became "Vietnamese" citizens under their new "Communist" government.

What were the casues of the Vietnam war?

When the French left Vietnam, the country was divided in to two parts, north Vietnam which was under communist control, and south Vietnam that was officially democratic, but was actually in practice a totalitarian state. The Norht Vietnamese beleived that the south was a colony of foreign powers and wanted to unite Vietnam into one country, under communist rule. South Vietnam and the United States wanted to prevent the communists from taking over south Vietnam. The war was started by south vietnamese rebels who were opposed to the corruption of the south vietnamese regime. North Vietnam supported these rebels who were commonly known as the Viet Cong. The United States supported South Vietnam in spite of its corrupt government in the belief that it was better to have a corrupt government in south Vietnam than a communist government.

Vietcong army?

Communist sympathizers living in South Vietnam; often conducting guerrilla warfare against Republic of South Vietnam Government forces.

Who was the Democratic leader of South Vietnam installed by the US government?


How did the corruption of the South Vietnamese government undermine the us military in Vietnam?

At first, it seemed as though the Vietnam War was between North Vietnam and the U.S. with South Vietnam supporting them. In reality, the South Vietnam's Pro-Democratic government treated their people so badly, that they formed a secondary army, called the Vietcong or VC, and worked alongside the North Vietnamese to drive out the US forces. This was done so they could establish a Communist government because the new Capitalist government was not helping them.