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The Bombing raid on Tokyo originally was thought by an elite captain, who command a U.S submarine in Pacific, then the idea was handed over to the U.S president. It is a suicidal raid so there were not possibilities of returining to the carriers for all the pilots in that raid. Apprently, it is a raid but it aim the Japanese politics, after the raid the Japanese government realised they were not safe if the U.S aircraft carrier fleet still existed. So they order the Imperial Japanese Navy either to occupy Midway or destroy the U.S aircraft carrier fleet in the Pacific.

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Q: The fire bombing of Tokyo
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The fire bombing of Tokyo cause heavy damage to the city but?

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Bombing of Tokyo happened in 1942.

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On March 9, 1945 the US conducted a bombing raid over Tokyo. The bombing created 185,000 casualties and destroyed 267,000 buildings.

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The deadliest bombing of Japan was the bombing of Tokyo. It took place off and on for over three years. The deadliest single day of bombing was March 10 1945 (Operation Meetinghouse) when 335 allied B-29s set half of the city on fire, killing one hundred thousand civilians.

What are the famous bombing incidents in Japan?

During WW 2, the firebombing of Tokyo, and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.