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Q: The confederates wanted because it controlled the entrance to Charleston Harbor?
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Why did the Confederates fire at Fort Sumter?

The Confederates attacked the federal Fort Sumter in the Charleston Harbor of South Carolina because its commander, Major Anderson refused to surrender. Attacking the fort was an error as it brought on the US Civil War.

Why were the confederates involved in the Civil War?

Because they had broken away from the USA, to form a separate nation. The flashpoint came at Fort Sumter, a US army garrison on an island in Charleston harbour, which was fired-on by Confederates and evacuated. Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers, and the war was on.

Why did confederates fire at fort Sumter?

Because they had declared South Carolina to be part of the Confederate States of America, and they were not willing to allow a Union garrison on an island fort in Charleston Harbour.

Why did the Confederates want to seize Fort Sumter?

Because it was in Charleston Harbour, and the Confederacy was trying to assert its sovereignty over the whole of South Carolina. Lincoln did not recognise the Confederacy, and continued to occupy the fort with US troops.

Why did the confederates states secede from the union?

Because of slavery causes and dissagreements between the union and the confederates

Why did the confederates revolt from the US?

The confederates revolted mainly because they did not like the idea of slavery being abolished.

Why did the confederates lose the Battle of Gettysburg?

because they did

Did the French help the Confederates?

The French and the British did trade with the confederates, but little of that got through because of the Union blockade. The French were officially neutral but recognised the confederates as a "belligerent".

Why did honest Abe get shot?

Because he was against the was a group of fundamentalist confederates that planned his assassination.

Why did the union and the confederate fight over fort Sumter?

Because it was a US Army garrison on an island in Charleston harbour. The Confederates wanted to assert their sovereignty over the whole of South Carolina. The Union refused to recognise the Confederacy, and wanted to assert their rights over the island and its garrison.

Why did the siege of Charleston happen?

Because they wanted it to happen

in the civil war who were the butternuts?

Confederates - because of the colour of their uniforms.