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south east

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Where is Muscat?

'''Muscat''' is the capital of '''Oman''' in the Middle East. The Arabian name for Muscat is Masqat or Mascat. Oman is located in the southeastern corner of the Arabian Peninsula. It borders Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the United Arab Emirates.

What lies south east of Oman?

The Arabian Sea lies southeast of Oman.

What is oman's capital city?

Muscat is the capital city of Oman.

Capital city of Oman?

Oman, officially the Sultanateof Oman, is an Arabcountry in the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. Its capital is Muscat.

What country lies west of Oman?

Saudi Arabia's great 'Empty Quarter', a vast featureless desert, lies west of Oman.

What is the national capital of Oman?

Muscat is the capital.

Largest city in Oman?

The largest city in Oman is Muscat, the capital.

What is the capital of omen?

The capital city of Oman is Muscat

Muscat is the capital?

ya....muscat is the capital of oman..!

What country is muscat the capital city of?

Muscat is the capital and largest metropolitan city of Oman.

What country and is capital begin with o?

Oman is the only country that begins with the letter O. Muscat is the capital city of Oman.

What is thanks capitol of Oman?

Muscat is the capital and largest city of Oman.