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The age to sell liquor in any form in Illinois is 21, the same age you have to be to legally buy and/or drink liquor.

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Q: The age to bartend in Illinois is 18 BUT 21 in Chicago What is the age to bartend in the suburbs of Chicago?
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In the State of Illinois, to bartend you have to be at least as old as you have to be to drink the liquor: 21.

Can you bartend at age 19 in Illinois?

No, you must be 21.However, you can go to some SCHOOLS for bartending in Illinois at age 18,you just can't participate in job placement locally...

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What is the age limit to bartend?

probaly 18 or older since to drink is like 21

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Yes. She died on January 29, 2008, in Chicago, Illinois at the age of 83.

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Yes. She died on January 29, 2008, in Chicago, Illinois at the age of 83.

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The legal age to bartend is the same to drink. 21. This Applies only to the City of Chicago. State Law for bartending is 18 with Chicago being the exception of 21. However, local and county laws may override the 18 state law if they are stricter....check with local authorities beforehand.

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baby face nelson was born December 6, 1908 in Chicago Illinois,u.s. and died November 27,1934 at the age of 25 in wilmette,Illinois,u.s.

Can you move out at age 17 in Chicago to Houston?

No, your parents could make you come back at 17. Until you turn 18 in Illinois, they are responsible for you.

How old do you have to be to be a mason in Chicago?

As of January 2, 2010 a man must be 18 years of age in order to petition a Lodge of Freemasonry in Illinois.