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The 1938 Munich conference was part of the policy called '"appeasement" or giving in towards the demands of Adolf Hitler in order to ensure peace. Appeasement is a general term used in diplomacy to " give in" or to placate an aggressive enemy. The term was popularized when the Munich conference agreement was later termed to be a worthless agreement as within a year, Europe was at war.

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Appeasement was a diplomatic term highlighted by the result of the 1938 Munich Conference. There Hitler and Mussolini convinced British Prime Minister Chamberlain and France's Premier Daladier, that by having Hitler liberate the German peoples living in the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia, war in Europe could be avoided. This turned out to be a ploy by Hitler and Mussolini, as within a year, war began in Europe.

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Q: The Munich conference came to symbolize the dangers of what?
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