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Hairy-Nosed Wombat is the emblem for South Australia

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Q: The Hairy-nosed Wombat is the animal emblem of which Australian state?
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Which Australian state has the wombat as its emblem?

The hairy-nosed wombat (not the common wombat) is the official emblem of South Australia.

Which Australian state has the hairy nosed wombat as its faunal emblem?

The hairy nosed wombat is the faunal emblem of South Australia.

Which Australian city has the hairy-nosed wombat as its faunal emblem?

The Hairy-nosed wombat is not the faunal emblem of any city. The hairy nosed wombat is the faunal emblem of the state of South Australia.

What is south Australia's animal?

The animal emblems of South Australia are the hairy nosed wombat for the animal, the piping shrike for the bird or avian emblem, and the leafy sea dragon for the marine emblem.

What animal represents South Australia?

The animal emblems of South Australia are the hairy nosed wombat for the animal, the piping shrike for the bird or avian emblem, and the leafy sea dragon for the marine emblem.

What is South Australian faunal or Avian Emblem?

* The faunal emblem of South Australia is the Hairy-Nosed or Plains Wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons) * The Piping Shrike, or white backed magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen leuconota) is the South Australian bird emblem * The Leafy Seadragon (Phycodurus eques) is the marine emblem of South Australia * Sturt's Desert Pea (Swainsona Formosa) is the Floral Emblem of South Australia

What is the Australian Capital Territory's state animal?

The faunal emblem of the Australian Capital Territory is the Gang Gang Cockatoo.

What is Australia's country animal?

If the words "Australia's country animal" refer to the national faunal emblem of Australia, the answer is 'none'. There is no national animal of Australia.

Does the ACT have a faunal emblem?

The faunal emblem of the ACT is the gang-gang cockatoo.

What is the national flower and animal of south Australia?

South Australia is a state, so it does not have a national flower and animal, but a state flower and animal. The floral, or flower emblem, of South Australia is the Sturt's Desert Pea. The faunal emblems of South Australia are the hairy nosed wombat for the animal, the piping shrike for the bird or avian emblem, and the leafy sea dragon for the marine emblem.

What is the mammal emblem for South Australia?

The mammal emblem for South Australia is the hairy-nosed wombat.

Which Australian animal appears either side of Australian emblem?

The kangaroo and the emu are on the Australian coat of arms. They hold the shield which features on e coat of arms.