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Q: The Greek historian who wrote a history of Egypt that is still in use today was?
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What is Egypt known as today?

Egypt as a nation-state still exists today as Egypt, in relatively the same location as their entire history.

How was Cleopatra born in Egypt but was still greek?

Because Alexandria was in Egypt, but it was controlled by the Greeks and Cleopatra was of Greek ancestry. At the time of Cleopatra, Egypt was ruled by the Greek descendants of Ptolemy, one of Alexander the Great's generals. This made Cleopatra a Greek ethnically, even though she was an Egyptian culturally.

How did greek history influence today's society?

Greek history influenced today's society because they invented democracy, which we still practice today in many countries.

Which two distinct cultures emerged along the aegean while the civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia still flourished?

Greek and Phoenician.

Was Hatshepsut's temple in Lower or Upper Egypt?

It was and still in Upper Egypt

Is the cat still remembered in Egypt?

yes cats are still remembered in Egypt because of the fact that the sphynx is still there

Why may a historian who is still alive disagree with conclusions drawn by a historian who lived hundred years ago?

maybe because he is too old

Why may a historian who is still alive disagree with conclusion drawn by a a historian who lived a hundred years ago?

maybe because he is too old

What are some ancient Greek books that are still read today?

Greek religion: Homer's "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" , Herodotus' "The Histories" , Thucydides' "History of the Peloponnesian War" , Xenophon's "Anabasis" and "The Education of Cyrus", the Greek Tragedies/Plays , etc . . .

Does the UK still own Egypt?

No...Egypt is a Republic

Who studied the knowledge of the Roman Empire after its decline?

The most famous early historian on the subject is Edward Gibbon who lived in the 18th century and who wrote the still-famous History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

Why are Greek statues still admired today?

Because just bye looking at them they tell alot of history and can tell alot of informaton