In France it was particularly influential. The French Protestant's had to escape to Germany.
Holland is a region in the Netherlands. Dutch Reformation is the state religion of the Netherlands. 30% Roman Catholic, 11% Dutch Reformed, 6% Calvanist, 3% other Christian, 6% Muslim, 2% other faith. 42% Atheist (one of the highest Atheist percentages in a Democratic country).
The main religion is Christianity...
The main religion WHERE?
the main religion is cameroonian!
that would depend on which historical era if it was before the 1500's then the main religion of Scotland and the Netherlands was Roman- Catholic if it was after the reformation of Martin Luther then it would be protestant Christian or Anglican - Catholic. if it is modern day religions those are varied because of varied immigrations, wars etc
62% of the Dutch has no affiliation to a religion.
scotland and the Netherlands
hindoo is the main religion in Fiji
The main religion in Venezuela is Christianity
Christianity is Alaska's main religion.
the main religion is Christianity, Hindu