Norway, Sweden, and Denmark are the countries known as Scandinavia.
Norway and Sweden, and the northern part of Finland.
Sweden has land borders with Finland and Norway. It also has a connection with Denmark via the Øresund Bridge.
Norway, Sweden, Finland. Norway Sweden and Denmark, not Finland
Scandinavia includes the three kingdoms of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Not to be confused with the Scandinavian cultural region which includes Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and occasionally the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Finland. Another term, "the Nordic Countries" refers to Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Finland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland.
the vikings lived in scandinavia, in what is now Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark
the answer is iceland, norway, sweden, finland, and denmark.
The Scandinavian countries are:FinlandSwedenNorwayDenmarkIcelandFaroe IslandsGreenlandGreenland and Faroe Islands is actually a part of Denmark but have home ruling with their own Parliament. They also are members of the Danish Parliament.
Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark.
Denmark is bigger than Switzeland.
The neighboring countries to Sweden are Norway and Finland by land, and the Russian Federation, the Baltic countries, Poland, Germany and Denmark by water.