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Q: State three objective of all India Muslim League?
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Why was the Muslim League founded in 1906?

The Muslim League was founded to strive to get fundamental rights for the Muslims under the British rule in India. Later on the Muslim League struggled to get a Muslim Independent State in India which it succeeded in achieving in 1947-The Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Role of muslim league in the national movement?

Elite Muslims founded the All-India Muslim League (AIML) in the British India Empire. The league alongside other Muslims lobbied for the formation of a separate Islamic state. In 1947, the nation of Pakistan was detached from India.

Which session of All India Muslim league was held in Lahore during march 1940?

The session of All India Muslim League held in Lahore during March 1940 is commonly referred to as the Lahore Resolution or the Pakistan Resolution. During this session, the Muslim League passed a resolution demanding the creation of an independent state for Muslims in the regions where they were in a majority in British India. This resolution eventually laid the foundation for the establishment of Pakistan.

What did Muslim league demanded?

Muslim league demanded self government as well as a separate state i.e. Pakistan.

What were the objectives of all India Muslim league?

The important motives and objectives of Muslim League are as under: 1. To safe guard and protect Muslim interests and to convey their demands to British Government. 2. To create a feeling of respect and good will in Muslims for the British Government. 3. To promote brotherhood between different nationals of India.

Analyze the role of Muslim league in the national movement and its impacts on the future course of India and Pakistan?

The Muslim League was founded in 1906 to safeguard the rights of Indian Muslims. At first the league was encouraged by the British and was generally favourable to their rule, but the organization adopted self-government for India as its goal in 1913. For several decades the league and its leaders, notably Mohammed Ali Jinnah , called for Hindu-Muslim unity in a united and independent India. It was not until 1940 that the league called for the formation of a Muslim state that would be separate from the projected independent nation of India. The league wanted a separate nation for India's Muslims because it feared that an independent India would be dominated by Hindus. Jinnah and the Muslim League led the struggle for the partition of British India into separate Hindu and Muslim states, and after the formation of Pakistan in 1947 the league became Pakistan's dominant political party. In that year it was renamed the All Pakistan Muslim League. But the league functioned less effectively as a modern political party in Pakistan than it had as a mass-based pressure group in British India, and hence it gradually declined in popularity and cohesion. In the elections of 1954 the Muslim League lost power in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), and the party lost power in West Pakistan (now Pakistan) soon afterward. By the late 1960s the party had split into various factions, and by the 1970s it had disappeared altogether.

Who were first voice the India of a separate Muslim state in India?

muhammad iqbal

India was Hindu state before Muslim invaded India since when Muslim established in India history?

This is a wrong question. India was never Hindu state. It was not even a country with territorial boundaries. India already had Hindus,buddhists and Jains living.

What was the role of Muslim League in the National Movement and its impact on the future course of Pakistan and India?

The Muslim League was founded in 1906 to safeguard the rights of Indian Muslims. At first the league was encouraged by the British and was generally favourable to their rule, but the organization adopted self-government for India as its goal in 1913. For several decades the league and its leaders, notably Mohammed Ali Jinnah , called for Hindu-Muslim unity in a united and independent India. It was not until 1940 that the league called for the formation of a Muslim state that would be separate from the projected independent nation of India. The league wanted a separate nation for India's Muslims because it feared that an independent India would be dominated by Hindus. Jinnah and the Muslim League led the struggle for the partition of British India into separate Hindu and Muslim states, and after the formation of Pakistan in 1947 the league became Pakistan's dominant political party. In that year it was renamed the All Pakistan Muslim League. But the league functioned less effectively as a modern political party in Pakistan than it had as a mass-based pressure group in British India, and hence it gradually declined in popularity and cohesion. In the elections of 1954 the Muslim League lost power in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), and the party lost power in West Pakistan (now Pakistan) soon afterward. By the late 1960s the party had split into various factions, and by the 1970s it had disappeared altogether.

What is the only Muslim majority state in India?

Jammu & Kashmeer

First Muslim state in India?

East and West Pakistan.

What was not one of Gandhi's goals?

India becoming a Muslim state