116 miles
About 220 miles
Approximately 200 miles or a 3-hour drive from Bradenton to Jacksonville, FL by car.
It takes about one hour to get from Brandenton to Tampa
It is 515 miles according to Google Maps.
Approximately 30 miles, or a 45 minute drive.
The main Kia dealer in Daytona is located at 510 N. Nova Road Daytona Beach, FL 32114. The name of the company is Daytona Kia. They have the Kia sorrento and many other cars for sale there.
A local realtor can answer your question.
A local realtor can answer your question.
Furnished condos are very expensive and there maybe some furnished condos available in Destin,FL. I would recommend contacting real estate agents in that area for more precise information.
A local realtor may be able to answer your question.
The address of the East Lake Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 685, Sorrento, FL 32776-0685