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six Japanese emperors have been kights of the garter since 1340

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Q: Since 1340s how many Japanese emperors have been Knights of the Garter?
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What two dramatic events occurred in Britain in the 1330s and 1340s?

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WHY DID one third of the population of Europe die in the 1400s?

It didn't. Perhaps you are referring to the Plague Pandemic, but that didn't occur until the 1340s.

What was an important effect of the Black Death (bubonic plague) on the populations of Europe in the late 1340s?

Black Death killed almost 75 to 200 million people. Reducing population to 1/3.

What was an important effect of the Black Death (bubonic plague pandemic) on the populations of Europe in the late 1340s?

Black Death had given birth to many revolts. It also helped to influence scientific researches.

What plague took place under Henry VIII?

I think it was the black death ~ The Black Death was around then but in this time period it was the "English Sweating Sickness". It took one of his wives in a single day.

Why isn't cosmeston there anymore?

Cosmeston doesn't exist anymore because a) the village was in a low spot of land so was prone to flooding from the Cosmeston Lake, b) it could have been wiped out by the Black Death in 1340s and c) it was in a constant state of political upheaval, with Welsh tribes battling for supremacy so they could have been caught in crossfire from tribal warfare.

Discuss the role of epidemics in the decline of the mongol empires?

6. By facilitating trade and communication throughout Eurasia, the Mongols unwittingly expedited the spread of bubonic plague. It spread throughout Cina and central Asia, and by the late 1340s it had reached southwest Asia and Europe, where it became known as the Black Death. The bubonic plague sometimes killed half or more of and exposed population.

What is Bubonic Plague?

It was a deadly disease carried by fleas on a rat or rodent. it was common in the black death. it took over 200 million lives. It is an infection of lymphatic system. it is contagious and some symptoms include diarrhea, chills , fever, barfing, ETC.Bubonic plague is the best-known manifestation of the bacterial disease plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis (formerly known as Pasteurella pestis). Bubonic Plague is often used synonymously for plague, but it does in fact refer specifically to an infection that enters through the skin and travels through the lymphatics, as is often seen in flea-borne infections. Bubonic Plague kills about 50% of infected patients in 4-7 days without treatment. The Bubonic plague is believed by many to be the Black Death that swept through Europe in the more simpler words, the bubonic plaque is a disease that in the 1340s killed many people. some of the symptoms are vomiting and buboes(egg-sized swelling or bumps).Bubonic plague is the best-known manifestation of the bacterial disease plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis (formerly known as Pasteurella pestis). Bubonic plague is often used synonymously for plague, but it does in fact refer specifically to an infection that enters through the skin and travels through the lymphatics, as is often seen in flea-borne infections. Bubonic Plague kills about 50% of infected patients in 4-7 days without treatment. The Bubonic plague is believed by many to be the Black Death that swept through Europe in the more simpler words, the bubonic plaque is a disease that in the 1340s killed many people. some of the symptoms are vomiting and buboes(egg-sized swelling or bumps).

What special talents did geoffrey chaucer have?

He was a poet that lived before Shakesphere and the most famous of his works is "The Canterbury Tails" 1. His Nickname is 'Father of English Literature'. 2. He lived for 50 to 60 years - quite a long life in those days. 3. He was intelligent, loyal and hard-working. 4. His wife was called Philippa de Roet. 5. He studied law at the Inner Temple, London. 6. He was an author, poet, philosopher, courtier and diplomat. 7. He was born into a family of merchants and wine makers sometime in the 1340s. 8. He did, in his life, over 10 different jobs! 9. He wrote many books, short stories and poems other than the Canterbury tales. 10. He had two children, Thomas and Lewis. 11. He served in the one hundred year war (which actually lasted 116 years). 12. He was captured by the French and Ransomed for £16 (£11,524.22 in today's money).

Who invented a gun?

The gun was invented as late as the 12th century, by an unknown inventor, presumably in China where gunpowder was first discovered, and where the first archaeological evidence of guns has been found. The direct ancestor of the gun is the fire lance invented in 10th century China. Shrapnel was sometimes placed in the barrel so that it would fly out together with the flames. The earliest depiction of a gun is a sculpture from a cave in Sichuan, China dating to the 12th century of a figure carrying a vase-shaped bombard with flames and a cannonball coming out of it. The oldest archaeological evidence for a gun, made of bronze, has been dated to 1288 and was discovered in Heilongjiang Province in China. Li Ting, a military commander of Jurchen descent, led foot-soldiers armed with guns ina battle to suppress the rebellion of the Christian Mongol prince Nayan. The gun was brought to Europe through either the Middle East or Central Asia. English Privy Wardrobe accounts list "ribaldis," a type of cannon, in the 1340s, and siege guns were used by the English at the Siege of Calais in 1346.

How may people were killed by the Black Death from 1348 to 1350?

The Black Plague, also known as the Black Death, resulted in the deaths of between 75 to 200-million people in Europe in between 1346 and 1353. The Black Death is thought to have originated in the plains of central Asia, then traveled along the Silk Road to Crimea. From there it was spread by Oriental rat fleas living on the black rats that were regular passengers on merchant ships.