its an island made by a volcano i think and is shaped like an underwater mountain
Yes. Guam is an island , so it is surrounded by sand
Guam is not a city, it is an island that is a US territory; a US colony
It is near Guam
Guam island is approximately 210 square miles in size, which is equal to around 134,000 acres.
Guam is a US territory located in the Pacific Ocean. The island is thought to have been formed by a volcanic eruption.
One of the islands near Guam is Junior Island.
year of 1898
an island
Guam is an island far out in the Pacific Ocean and thus is not located "in" a country. It is, however, an island belonging to the United States of America.
No, Saipan isn't located in Guam, but it is an island a little north of Guam.