The major rivers in the UK beginning with T are (in order of length): Thames, Trent, Tay, Tweed, Teme, Tyne, Tees.
There are 32 rivers in the UK! including the Thames and Trent which is the largest in England
which of the following rivers have almost the same point of beginning
Lynn N. Rivers was born on 1956-12-19.
The Clyde, the Severn and the Avon are but three of the rivers in the UK.
There are quite a few rivers beginning with the letter 'm'. Among them are the following:Murray River, Australia's longest riverMurrumbidgeeMacquarieMaryMargaretMaroochyMaranoaMoonieMooloolahManningMolongloMyallMaribyrnongMitchellMurchisonMcArthur
The car beginning with N is the Japaneese car Nissan.
Positive words beginning with 'n' include:nicenobleneatnourishingnurturing
The rivers Severn, Thames, Trent and Great Ouse.
Rivers are coloured blue on most UK maps